By Cruz Talamantes
I have often been surprised at the number of people who volunteer to serve in any capacity for our church. Maybe it’s because I know that if left to my own selfish desire, I would leave the work to others. In its purest form, serving a need in our church is a work of the Holy Spirit. It is simply an act of obedience to Jesus’ call to love others better than ourselves. In recognition of your obedience to Christ, I would like to thank every single one of you who serve joyfully, determinedly and with great conviction in our Children’s Sunday School ministry. Thank you for choosing to dedicate your time in prayer, preparation and teaching our families’ kiddos on Sundays.
Having established that your desire to serve is born out of your obedience and love for Christ, I’d like to suggest some of the reasons why you choose to serve Him teaching children. Is it because you see yourself in them when you were growing up? Do you recall your own Sunday School teachers and the impact they had on you by their loving-kindness? Or maybe, it’s because you did not grow up in church at all but now wish you’d had the opportunity that is now your own child’s? My own experience is very similar. My very first introduction to God’s word was by a young, teenaged girl who exuded kindness and patience as she taught my friends and I the story of Noah. That experience has never left me. It colored my understanding of a God who is a righteous judge, and though at the time I dreaded that I would face a similar fate, it also served to plant the seed for a joyful celebration when in my late teens, He opened my eyes to the beauty of His grace found in Christ’s suffering on the cross on my behalf. Simply put, this young lady Bible teacher laid the foundation in my heart for the gospel of Christ.
And very simply put, most of you serve with us in Sunday School because you want to let the kids entrusted to us know the beauty of the Gospel. One of you recently wrote me and said, “My goal in teaching Sunday School is to accurately handle God’s Word, point to the gospel and our need for Jesus.” It does not get more complicated than that. It is a profound message that by the Holy Spirit’s work through the life of an obedient servant will resound in the heart of a child and make them to be born again - just like you and I.
Will you join us in this important work? Do not be afraid to say yes, God equips us all for the very work he calls us to do. You do not know everything there is to know, you know Him and He is the One who equips us to teach. We currently have needs for volunteers teaching K-1st, 2nd-3rd and 4th-5th for both services. We would love for you to serve with us.
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By Mike Brazie
I would encourage everyone to consider becoming involved in the Sunday School programs. Having been a Sunday School teacher for most of my Christian life, I can tell you it is a wonderful experience and blessing, and leads to greater spiritual growth. The effort of preparing lessons provides a more in-depth understanding of Scripture and the Holy Spirit’s work in your life.
Teaching middle school and high school classes was a great experience as I was able to impact youth for Christ before their views had hardened, as happens in many adults.
I have also enjoyed working with young children in Vacation Bible School, as have many of you, but having them in a regular, on-going Sunday School class leads to greater spiritual growth of the youth and deeper personal relationships with them. It is a joy to be recognized by them as a spiritual leader with whom they can ask questions and share their concerns and fears with an attitude of trust, as they seek to know God’s purpose for their lives.
Everyone I know in Sunday School leadership sees the work as a great blessing from God and one that has eternal rewards in their own lives and the lives of those they are privileged to teach. Just ask them!
You can enjoy those blessings as well, and the church will provide the help and resources you need. Please volunteer to be a part of the Sunday School team.