Making My Faith My Own - A Summer at LTR
Aug 28 8:21 AM

Making My Faith My Own - A Summer at LTR

Aug 28 8:21 AM
Aug 28 8:21 AM

I’ve been coming to MCC my whole life and I’ve always grown up surrounded by fellow believers, so it was easy to call myself a Christian. But once I started high school it became harder to surround myself with those like-minded people on a daily basis. I struggled to figure out how to make my faith my own. 

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Youth Camp Recap - Followers of Christ
Jun 27 6:54 AM

Youth Camp Recap - Followers of Christ

Jun 27 6:54 AM
Jun 27 6:54 AM

On June 17, 11 MCC high-schoolers and three youth group leaders caravaned up to Glorieta, NM to attend a youth summer camp with 5 other churches from the greater ABQ area. Over the ensuing week, the teaching (1-2 messages per day), worship (2 times per day), and discussions were focused on one word: Follower. We deep-dove into what it means to be a follower of Christ, from the commission, the purpose, the way, the hardship, and the reward. 

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