Building Connections Through the Wood Ministry
Oct 10 7:50 AM

Building Connections Through the Wood Ministry

Oct 10 7:50 AM
Oct 10 7:50 AM

For over 15 years, the East Mountain Wood Ministry has been helping to warm homes, make new connections, and encourage them in their God-given dignity.

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The Shield Prayer Ministry of MCC
Oct 2 9:35 AM

The Shield Prayer Ministry of MCC

Oct 2 9:35 AM
Oct 2 9:35 AM

“But You, O Lord, are a shield about me, My glory, and the One who lifts my head.” Psalm 3:3

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Making My Faith My Own - A Summer at LTR
Aug 28 8:21 AM

Making My Faith My Own - A Summer at LTR

Aug 28 8:21 AM
Aug 28 8:21 AM

I’ve been coming to MCC my whole life and I’ve always grown up surrounded by fellow believers, so it was easy to call myself a Christian. But once I started high school it became harder to surround myself with those like-minded people on a daily basis. I struggled to figure out how to make my faith my own. 

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Doing The "One Anothers" of Scripture Together
Aug 13 4:55 PM

Doing The "One Anothers" of Scripture Together

Aug 13 4:55 PM
Aug 13 4:55 PM

“Now this is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent.” (John 17:3) To know Christ – this is the hope and goal and purpose of our Women’s Community Bible Study – to learn to know his Word, to see his Word confirmed by his faithfulness to us, to see Him glorified as we share his faithfulness with one another, to learn to cry out to Him together in prayer as we lay out our needs to our Father.

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Youth Camp Recap - Followers of Christ
Jun 27 6:54 AM

Youth Camp Recap - Followers of Christ

Jun 27 6:54 AM
Jun 27 6:54 AM

On June 17, 11 MCC high-schoolers and three youth group leaders caravaned up to Glorieta, NM to attend a youth summer camp with 5 other churches from the greater ABQ area. Over the ensuing week, the teaching (1-2 messages per day), worship (2 times per day), and discussions were focused on one word: Follower. We deep-dove into what it means to be a follower of Christ, from the commission, the purpose, the way, the hardship, and the reward. 

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