The Grace of God on the Move in Africa
May 23 8:27 AM

The Grace of God on the Move in Africa

May 23 8:27 AM
May 23 8:27 AM

The familiar Acacia trees greet us as we drive in from the remote Hawassa airport. Such a welcome friend! I cannot hold back a smile.

Beyond the native dome huts and cacti-fenced yards that scatter along the roadside, the fields of corn are now as tall as a man. I suspect that the harvest is not far away. Passing through the villages, before many homes stand piles of wide, flat stones. Each is crowned with sacks of potatoes. The markets are open.

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Did You Know? - Frank Malizzo Edition
Apr 4 6:42 AM

Did You Know? - Frank Malizzo Edition

Apr 4 6:42 AM
Apr 4 6:42 AM

We are beginning a series on Getting to Know your church leaders a little bit better. Read along to learn more about Pastor Frank Malizzo.

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What Would You Do if You Knew Your Time Was Limited?
Apr 7 12:08 PM

What Would You Do if You Knew Your Time Was Limited?

Apr 7 12:08 PM
Apr 7 12:08 PM

What if you were told that you had just a few days to live?  What would you do with your time?  Would you go wild, and indulge yourself in every pleasure imaginable?  Would you find a handful of those closest to you, and savor every moment with them?  Or maybe you or I would just curl up into a ball, and never even get out of bed. Jesus of Nazareth knew that He had only a few more days to live. He came into Jerusalem, greeted by a throng of public admirers; but in the background, there lurked a host of seething enemies, plotting His demise. He knew that He was going to give His life...

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