We are beginning a series on Getting to Know your church leaders a little bit better. Read along to learn more about Pastor Frank Malizzo.
Where were you born, and do you still consider that home, or somewhere else?
I was born outside of Chicago, but Abq is home.
What did you want to be when you grew up – and is that still a dream?
At one point, early on, I wanted to be some kind of philosopher or amazing mathematician. Those kind of went together and those guys seemed really cool.
What or who was your earliest spiritual influence?
My earliest spiritual influence was going to mass. I also tried to read the Bible when I was in about 5th grade, but I didn't have any idea what I was doing, and that didn't last very long.
How and when did Christ call you to Himself?
I first heard the gospel at a mid-school summer camp hosted by another church. I knew that I was a sinner and I came to understand that Christ is the only Savior.
What is a scripture you often read or share with others?
Psalm 37 is a passage that I discovered for myself many years ago, and became one of the places that I've returned to most frequently. This word has often been the Lord's comfort to me in my distress, His peace to me in my confusion, His guidance for me in my searching, and His wisdom to me in my uncertainty.
What is a special answered prayer you’ve received from the Lord?
Most answered prayers in my life may seem small, rather than earth-shaking. Recently, the Lord gave specific medical guidance to a friend that was His clear work. He also gave a divine opportunity to see someone's eyes turned to the Lord.
What is a blessing and what is a challenge as serving as pastor?
One challenge of shepherding is that we (sheep) are almost always in-process, and we often don't see the resolution. One huge blessing is being close enough to people in our hurt to see the glory of overcoming faith and the grace of incomprehensible joy!
What are your hobbies and how did you get into them?
I look forward to a good game of sand volleyball. In graduate school in NC, I fell into playing about 4-5 times a week one summer with a group of teaching assistants. I also enjoy strategy games - when I can find the time. Oh yeah, and I also enjoy getting beat at Uno or Old Maid or other simple card games by young girls in our home.
What is your favorite family tradition?
There are tons of family memories - by God's grace - but just being together to read, pray, and sing feels to me like something out of a dream.
How do you enjoy spending a day off?
I would say reading .. but then sometimes I can't sit still long enough to make it happen. But, let's say reading.
What is the perfect meal?
Carne Adovada. I'm pretty certain that this is the meal for which Esau traded his birthright. (I think that it says this in the Hebrew.)
Who or what never fails to make you laugh?
Molly. Typically it goes like this: I say something incorrectly or mix up my words. She finds this hilarious, and can't help but laugh at me. I fail at playing it cool and trying to play it off. Pretty soon we are both laughing at each other. It escalates. Eventually, sometimes we snort.
We asked Molly:
What is your favorite trait about Frank?
I have a lot of favorite traits, so this is a hard question. However, the one that comes to mind immediately is that I love his humor and his wit. I also love his ability to think through issues from all sides.
What does he do that can always make you smile?
He makes me smile when he plays board games and sports with our kids both big and small, creating fellowship, relationship, and laughter. And, I love that he can still sing with flourish the early 1990's P.I.D. rap "Get You A Bible" listing the books in order! So fun!