Mountain Christian Church is led by a group of biblically qualified elders who act as co-shepherds and co-pastors along side a full-time teaching pastor.  The elders have been called and continue to strive to be true shepherds of the people at MCC.  A Deacon Council leads in ministry areas that meet the needs of our body to free elders to concentrate on ministries that are "Word" or "prayer" based (Acts 6: 1-4).  Many "lay" ministry leaders are also called and trained to be shepherds of the people they are responsible for, whether as small group leaders or church ministry leaders. Click here to listen to Pastor Frank's sermon, "The Noble Task of an Elder."

Pastor Frank Malizzo

Frank was called to serve at Mountain Christian Church in 2000.  He is passionate about the Word of God and loves to see the greatness of God change people's lives. Though a churchgoer as a child, Frank did not hear the gospel until his early teen years. In those years, the Lord gave him a fascination with the Bible, and a desire to know it for himself.  That desire continues to this day. After receiving his Master's degree in Math, and teaching briefly, Frank attended seminary.  He did not know if church ministry would be his calling, but it seems to have stuck. Frank enjoys a good strategy game, cheers for all things Chicago, and is personally convinced that Carne Adovada is the "red stuff" for which Esau sold his birthright.  He has taken part in mission trips to Ethiopia with Training Leaders International, to serve other pastors by teaching theology, Bible study, and encouraging them in their faith. Frank and Molly are blessed with nine children.


view bio
Luke Feldner
view bio
Chandler Huston
Vince Tidwell


Shannon Bryant
Marcy Bryant
Micah Barker
Nicole Barker
Tom Mead

Church Staff

Cruz Talamantes
Member Assimilation and Children's Ministry Coordinator
Bernadette Gutierrez
Administrative Assistant
Angela Davis
Marcy Bryant
Communications Coordinator
Josh Mallett
Tech Ministry Coordinator
Eli Malizzo
Youth Ministry Coordinator