MCC Youth Ministries exist to foster and deepen students' relationships with Christ through encountering Him personally. We will know this is happening when students are engaged in the life of the church, families feel supported and multigenerational disciples are being made. We do this through fellowship, prayer, and expository teaching, and currently studying the book of Acts.


Fire and Ice

Every Monday from 6-8 pm in the church youth room, MCC holds a youth group focused on the unique challenges of 6th to 8th grade students. Each week, through prayer, Bible study, worship, games and food we encourage students to grow in their relationship with Jesus and serve Him as kingdom workers.  We get to see God show up and grow student’s hearts and minds every time we meet. Contact our church office with any questions! 

Summer Camp!

June 17-21, Glorieta, NM

The High School Youth Group is going on a summer retreat, where they will be deepening their faith and fellowshipping with other Christian peers.

They would appreciate prayers that the time is used to glorify the Lord and find refreshment in Him. If you feel called to support them, you can give to fund student scholarships.




The Collective

"The Collective" is MCC's High School Ministry!

They are meeting in the Fellowship Hall, Tuesdays from 7-9 pm! Contact our church office to learn more.