Fishers of Men
Mar 27 7:52 AM

Fishers of Men

Mar 27 7:52 AM
Mar 27 7:52 AM

What brings you joy? When I was a young boy of 6, my grandfather took me fly fishing with him for the first time. He was already well advanced in years of life and experience in fly fishing. That day, my Grandpa Tom handed me his Orvis 3 weight rod; and I instantly fell in love with the feel of a fly rod in my hand. My earliest memory was not of the smooth finish of a well-made handle, but of the feel of his strong, yet tender, hand helping me to properly hold the rod that I recall most. He spent the majority of that morning patiently untangling knots and retrieving my wayward casts from trees that lined the cool mountain freestone stream.

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MOPS Reimagined
Sep 30 2:57 PM

MOPS Reimagined

Sep 30 2:57 PM
Sep 30 2:57 PM

“Your love has given me much joy and comfort...for your kindness has often refreshed the hearts of God’s people.” Philemon 1:7

Let me take a moment to introduce myself to those who do not know me yet.  My name is Heather Johnson. I am quirky, sometimes too serious, sometimes silly, compassionate, and slightly awkward...or maybe more than slightly awkward.  I love God and I love people a lot.  I am not always good at it though. I am a work in progress. One of things that God has placed on my heart...

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Discipling Changes Hearts and Lives (Part Two)
Jul 28 10:39 PM

Discipling Changes Hearts and Lives (Part Two)

Jul 28 10:39 PM
Jul 28 10:39 PM

There were several men who poured into me spiritually during my high school and early college years. Without these men, my walk wouldn’t be what it is today. Some of them were organized discipleship relationships and some of them were impromptu, just spending time with men who were willing to share their time and wisdom with me.

Sometimes discipleship looks like a consistently scheduled cup of coffee, other times it looks like periodic hikes with a friend that you didn’t even realize was discipling you. The consistent thing I’ve found in discipleship relationships is that in every one of them...

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Discipling Changes Hearts and Lives
Jul 27 5:27 PM

Discipling Changes Hearts and Lives

Jul 27 5:27 PM
Jul 27 5:27 PM

The youth ministry is putting a HUGE emphasis on discipleship again this year. Over the next couple of weeks, we will be sharing examples of the impact that discipleship can have on a student’s life.

For me, discipleship took on many different roles through my teenage years. The main person who discipled me was my Grandpa. As he and my Grandma raised me, God used them both to help lead me to Christ. But God used my Grandpa specifically...

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The Women Who Have Transformed My Faith
Jan 24 4:51 PM

The Women Who Have Transformed My Faith

Jan 24 4:51 PM
Jan 24 4:51 PM

I’m incredibly blessed to have had many people pour into my life over the years. I want to share about three very different women and how they have each transformed my faith! Most girls can attest to the fact that their mothers had a big impact on their life; I know that mine certainly did! It wasn’t always having deep conversations or reading the bible together, most moments I remember were simply watching her live her life out for Christ. The way she...

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