Why do I lead music worship at Mountain Christian Church? Here is how it all got started… Chris Willadsen was the worship leader one Sunday in 2005 and he discussed how Jesus loves and values children. He asked if my son, Colt, would sing a verse and chorus from “In Christ Alone” to conclude his worship devotional. Colt sang the song while I accompanied him on the piano. This led to Barb Procter asking me to substitute on the piano for Marilyn Hoover. I began singing with Barb’s team, and eventually became the 5th Sunday per month leader- and then the 1st Sunday per month leader. Twelve years ago, Danny Mitchell and I decided to take our same team and play together twice a month.
Was this a plan I labored to implement over time? Definitely not. This was the best type of plan, one in which the Lord gave small opportunities, one step at a time, which ultimately led to huge blessings. The Lord granted the blessing of allowing my kids to all join me in this service, which had provided blessing upon blessing for my family.
I’ve had the wonderful privilege of co-leading with Danny Mitchell, who has provided hours of teaching, advice, and mentorship to each of my kids in how to lead a congregation in worship. I am honored to have been able to share a team with Danny for the past 12 years.
Here are the some of the lessons I have learned along the way:
Serving in the music ministry has provided me community and friendship. If you want to feel connected to others at church, join a ministry and give your heart and soul to it. Few activities, if any, bind believers together like serving one’s local church in ministry. Small groups may form community; but serving wholeheartedly together forms deep relational ties forged by commitment, trust, and sacrifice.
Serving together with my children has been one of the absolute highlights of my life! We’ve all had to learn patience and humility with each other, along with the joy of creating music together. Whatever ministry you team up with — family, friends, co-workers, classmates — serving together will create unforgettable memories, forge strong bonds, and craft each one’s character through working together towards the goal of glorifying Christ in the endeavor.
One of my favorite parts of leading worship is getting to meditate on the lyrics over and over by preparing and practicing the songs. By the time we sing the songs on Sunday mornings, I am so encouraged and uplifted by the truths in the lyrics. The Word we sing about fills my heart with praise.
I look back on the last 18 years and see the hand of God’s faithfulness all over my life. He has graciously allowed me to be a part of the worship team and I consider being a part of this ministry one of the greatest privileges of my life. My heart overflows with thanksgiving to the elders of Mountain who have allowed my family and I to lead worship. I am incredibly grateful to my husband, Rob, who has graciously allowed me to lead worship twice a month and often on holidays for 18 years now.
I encourage you to find a ministry that resonates deep in your soul and then give your heart and soul to it. If you don’t know what ministry that might be, volunteer in small ways with a few. You may find that a certain ministry grips you. The journey will overwhelm you with so much grace. The relationships will bind you together by the heart to other believers. Every time you serve and sacrifice, I promise you that the blessings you receive will far outweigh the sacrifice. Your heart will resonate, as does mine, “To God be the glory; great things He has done!”