VBS and the Beloved "White-Haired Lady"
May 17 8:02 AM

VBS and the Beloved "White-Haired Lady"

May 17 8:02 AM
May 17 8:02 AM

There’s something stirring in my home that I’m sure is common to most during this time of year. Though we are in the middle of spring and winter seems to be unwilling to let go, summer is really at the top of mind for my kids. 

They are so ready for school to end. 

It’s almost as if they have been anticipating it from the start of last year, their yearlong school sentence will end and they will be FREE! Free to do as they want, no going to class, no homework or tests, no teachers or moms nagging them.   

However, if your household is anything like mine, it won’t be long, maybe the middle of June, before my younger ones will say, “I’m bored!” And so, the challenge becomes how we can guide them to spend their time wisely instead of allowing them to go the way of least resistance and turn to media and video games. I trust the Lord gives us all the foresight to both plan and prepare them for the use of their expendable time. 

As a family, we have always relied on VBSes (is this even pronounceable?) to give their mama a well-deserved break (oh, wait, did I say that out loud?). It was always a glorious time for her to be able to sit uninterrupted for a few hours, enjoying a cup of tea and simple breakfast, while our kiddos were at vacation bible school.

Of course, this outcome really is an additional benefit for what already has so many primary benefits.  Let me share a few.

First, though it is a parents’ primary calling to “train up their child in the way he should go”, the church is here to come alongside and help with this very endeavor - to assist the family in discipling their little ones in the life of Christ. I believe that VBS within the larger context of children’s ministry can play a part in aiding this discipling.

Second, through VBS, “we want to reflect our creative, inspiring, joy-giving God who made laughter and fun!” We want to create an environment where children develop lasting memories that help to connect them with biblical truths. Every activity in vacation bible school is planned so as to engage the kids using all of their senses. There’s singing, dancing, creating, playing and eating. It really is a five-day party where the central theme is God’s Word and specifically His plan for redemption. 

And finally, VBS is an intentional evangelistic opportunity. As described directly from this year’s curriculum: “Our primary goal has always been to bring glory to God by boldly and unashamedly proclaiming him to a strategic group - young people! From both a biblical and statistical point of view, young people are a big deal. They’re not only awesome - we love ‘em - but they’re also dearly cherished by our Lord and tend to be soft-hearted towards spiritual things. Researchers generally agree most people become Christians when they’re children, so it’s apparent this age group is a huge mission field!”

Will you help us this year again by inviting any and all elementary-aged kids that you know to this year’s VBS, The Great Jungle Journey? 

They will be forever grateful to you one day in the same way that I am grateful now to the white-haired lady who not only invited my siblings, cousins and I to VBS some 40 plus years ago, but picked us up every day in her station wagon to take us. Be that beloved “white-haired” lady to someone in our East Mountain community.



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