True Confidence- VBS 2021
Jul 30 9:21 AM

True Confidence- VBS 2021

Jul 30 9:21 AM
Jul 30 9:21 AM

In-Person, VBS was AWESOME!

Wow, what a wild, amazing week!!! Last week, MCC hosted 65 children at Vacation Bible School. It was different this year; we hosted it outside, had no ability to use Video, hosted a smaller number of attendees, we didn’t spend lots of energy decorating, planned and put it together in a month, and had lots of new workers. Many changes.

And yet, it was so very much the same. 


The overall theme was Christ-centered: TRUE confidence is learning to see yourself the way GOD sees you. This was supported by the daily themes; I can have confidence because I am known by God, I can have confidence because I am forgiven, and I can have confidence to make a difference. Jesus was tied into each activity – crafts, games, small group, and snack. 

Workers.  This year’s VBS was blessed with 53 volunteers, 17 of whom were new this summer, and four were from the local community!  The volunteers  ranged from 9 to 80 years of age. Everyone found their role and utilized their talents/strengths, including one young lady who dressed up and acted like a sheep!

God Provided what we needed, as we needed. God used this body in mighty ways.  We had the perfect number of group leaders and helpers.  When someone was unable to attend, another volunteer would pop up. On Monday, two days before VBS, we did not have a leader for Games, and I started to worry.  And then, out of the blue, a young man contacted me, asking what we needed.  Within 30 minutes, the whole team had signed up. God's hand was upon these three days in many ways! 

Everyone had fun! Fun is key when teaching kids, and fun was everywhere to be found.  The stories, the skits, the activities, and the games – all were geared to be fun while learning about Jesus. Even the daily lessons, taught by Pastor Frank, were fun.  (Your pastor is fantastic with kids and VBS)

The 2021 VBS was different AND the same.  So, the question: What did we learn?  What do we take away from this experience? A reminder and a lesson. The reminder: This is God’s program.  It will work because he makes it work.  He brings the workers and the kids. He sustains the energy. The Holy Spirit is active in our hearts and our groups, encouraging love, mercy and grace for one another.

The lesson: We don’t know what the effect will be on people, just that it will glorify God and be within His will. Is it that a seed will be sown into a young person, or their family? Is it that a family will venture into public groups for the first time in 17 months? Is it the first time that a child will be away from a parent without being upset?  Will volunteers find purpose and inspiration while working at VBS? Is the effect that the community will see the light and love of Christ in the body of MCC?

The truth is that all of these effects happened last week.  All of them and more.  God has been glorified, and He has blessed MCC and this community mightily.  Thank you for whatever part you played in the VBS at MCC. Each part, no matter the size, counts. And honors the Lord!



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