Thank you for supporting “The Great Jungle Journey” VBS!
We had 93 children attend at least once during the week. Half of the kids were not from MCC, and 8% didn't list a home church. The Gideons handed out 106 Testaments, and at least one girl had never read the Bible before. They were loved on by 115 volunteers. And raised over $1,562 for hearing aids for 11-year-old Dayana in Bolivia!
The pictures from the week are precious. The sweet faces of the children and of the volunteers brought tears to my eyes. I am SO PROUD of our volunteers.
We started each day with corny jokes and learned new songs and dances. We watched live drama productions and ate fun and colorful snacks that supported the daily lesson. We got our wiggles out in games before using our hands to reinforce the lesson in crafts. We even saw volcanos explode! We learned that sharing the Good News can be done far away as well as in our own community, and we heard our daily lessons from a new guest teacher each day. We had 15 tour guides, plus a multitude of helpers leading the kids and building relationships with them.
At our closing ceremony Friday evening, many families joined us to sing and dance, enjoy the drama team one more time, watch the slideshow from the week, and hear the gospel from “Jungle Jim”. Then we had cookies and talked. So many people just enjoyed visiting with one another. It was beautiful to see the community created by a week of VBS.
The Sunday after VBS my heart was filled as I looked around the sanctuary and saw the familiar faces of the volunteers that worked together all week. Memories were made, friendships were formed, and relationships grew stronger.
The week of Vacation Bible School is so much more than construction paper and chaos. I have heard many stories about people who attended church for the first time because of VBS. And many accepted Christ because of VBS.
Isaiah 55:10-11 says, “As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire, and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”
I am proud of the VBS program that we have built up over the years, but not because it’s our program. The VBS program at MCC is God’s VBS and it is meant to teach kids about Him.
I will be stepping down from the co-coordinator role next year because Micah and I plan to enjoy his retirement next summer. The VBS team will need administrative assistance. If you enjoy spreadsheets or completing To Do lists or thinking ahead logistically, then let Cruz know that you might like to join the VBS Team. (Actually working with the kids is optional; so don’t let that scare you off.) You will have an eternal impact.