There are a host of behind the scenes ministries that happen weekly within any church across America. These aren’t the ministries you hear much talk about, they aren’t the ones everyone is lining up to serve with, but they keep the church running, they welcome the lost and encourage the lonely. Today’s ministry highlight is one of those behind the scenes ministries you may have never given any thought to but God has used mightily: The Attendance Ministry.
How did you get called into you’re the Attendance Ministry?
I’ve always been active in the church and I think I slide into this one by helping Adele.
How have you seen God work in you through your ministry?
I’ve seen people join the church because they felt so welcomed. It really makes me feel like God is truly using me.
What has been the hardest aspect of serving and how did God us that to grow you?
I do not feel like there is a hard part to this ministry. I feel like God opens my heart more as I met new people. They become part of “my” family.
What are you most thankful for in the ministry?
The blessing of so many hugs each week. I grew up in a family that didn’t hug, maybe that’s why God put me here.
“I feel like I am giving blessings and also receiving them. I rejuvenate every Sunday!”
What would you say to someone who doesn’t feel equipped to serve?
Step out. Let God lead you. Smile and be blessed.
Can you share a ministry success from 2018?
I don’t know that there is a “success.” I just know that some people wait for my hugs. We enjoy being family. Also, people like to know that someone missed them if they didn’t come for a week or two. And I worry if there aren’t at church for a while.