Share Christ’s Love with the Nations 
Jul 2 4:30 PM

Share Christ’s Love with the Nations 

Jul 2 4:30 PM
Jul 2 4:30 PM

It’s easy to agree with this lofty goal, but making it happen in the midst of our busy schedules can seem impossible! Thankfully, there’s a ministry giving us opportunities to serve the international community in simple, yet impactful ways. 

International Students, Inc. operates on college campuses throughout the United States and even internationally. According to their mission statement, ISI “exists to share Christ’s love with international students and to equip them for effective service in cooperation with the local church and others.” 

International Students, Inc. is thriving close to home at the University of New Mexico. Would you believe, UNM recommends that every international student connect with this Christ-centered ministry prior to their arrival? The value of the support ISI offers is undeniable!

Imagine you’re traveling alone to another country. You don’t know the language particularly well, and the culture is unfamiliar. Despite these challenges, you’ll need to assimilate quickly before your university classes begin. What a daunting endeavor! 

At the airport you are greeted, then welcomed into a home while you look for your own place. You are even offered donated furniture so you have fewer expenses to worry about as you get settled. 

Your new friends invite you to share meals, celebrate holidays and to experience local customs. Respectfully, you ask questions of each other and exchange ideas. 

These tangible expressions of Christ’s love, poured out over the course of your time studying abroad, would make quite a lasting impact! Especially as you return to your home country, a highly-educated leader in your field. 

Even for those of us who are not international students, ISI is invaluable because it breaks down into achievable steps that daunting goal of sharing Christ’s love with the nations:

Available during your lunch break to pick up a newcomer from the airport? ISI will put you to work! 

Willing to converse with someone practicing their English? ISI will invite you to the “English Corner” hosted at the Baptist Student Union. 

Got an extra seat at the table for holiday dinner? ISI will extend your invitation to students hoping to make relational connections. 

The first step to getting directly involved with International Students, Inc. is to check out Contact director Joan Lasche and she’ll talk you through the steps to getting on their email list. Or, if that’s more than you’re able to tackle at the moment, be on the lookout for ways you can come alongside MCC’s Mission Team as we support ISI: 

Email if you’d like to donate furniture or household items to the cause. We’ll even pick up!

Drop off your food contribution at the church next time you hear the mission team is providing an ISI Welcome Meal. We’ll take care of the rest!  

You may choose to get involved with International Students, Inc. now, later, or not at all. Either way, I hope you’re excited to know that the Lord is working through this ministry. Thank you for lifting ISI in prayer! 



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