As we focus on prayer and God's word in the new year, we asked several people in our congregation about their prayer life. Read below to find out more from Elin Searfoss.
When was the youngest that you remember praying for yourself? What was that like?
I grew up in the faith and I really don’t remember when was the first time. There isn’t a time I remember not praying. It always felt safe and tender to pray; usually at bedtime.
Who is someone who has positively influenced your prayer life and how?
My husband. He helped me grow into a wider array of prayers, especially repentance prayers.
What are you currently working on (or how are you growing) in your prayer life?
What motivates you to pray?
Joyful desire for closeness with God.
What time of day is best? Where?
Still bedtime, in bed. But any time of day and night are so good.
Do you typically give thanks before meals, even when alone?
Favorite thing you've been taught (or learned) about prayer?
That God knows better than me and his answer will be best, even if it’s not what I wanted.
Do you do better with lists? Other ways that you organize? Or just always better free?
I’m in a season of mothering chaos and any and all lists disappear. So right now, free.
One or two favorite time(s) of prayer that you remember?
When I was huddled up in my closet, scared to death about possible chemotherapy treatment, and trying to negotiate with God. It’s my favorite because it was the beginning baby step of my journey to full surrender to His will.