Joy Hunting
Apr 14 8:20 AM

Joy Hunting

Apr 14 8:20 AM
Apr 14 8:20 AM

Did you wake up in a funk on Easter Sunday?

I did.

I’m tired.

I’m tired of the grief and sadness and worry and uncertainty that a global pandemic has brought.  I’m tired of watching the case numbers and death toll rise.  I’m tired of seeing the empty New York streets and weary, war-torn medical professionals.  I’m tired of missing my family and friends.  I’m tired of ending each night in tears, thinking of those who are lying in hospital beds without their loved ones….and those whose loved ones never came home to their own beds.

I can’t pretend that Easter in Quarantine is a fun, meme-worthy event.  Sunday morning, I simply felt like a day that should look bright and hopeful was covered in a thick, heavy cloud.

Interestingly, God caught my attention through something very simple… an egg hunt.

My wonderful in-laws were kind enough to hide a few dozen eggs outdoors for the kids to run around and find.  I helped to hide a few, then watched as they came out to start looking.  My kids are pretty big…7, 9, and 12, but they still had an absolute blast.  While watching them run and squeal, I came to a conclusion: There’s something about finding things that have been hidden specifically for the purpose of being found that is thrilling.  The eggs were completely empty.  They boys simply enjoyed the thrill of the hunt.  We hid the eggs twice for them to find, then they hid the eggs for us adults.  I think they may have had even more fun watching us find the eggs they hid than they did hunting!  They enjoyed giving us hints along the way and cheered every time we spotted one.

While we hunted, I was reminded of a word of encouragement I received through Max Lucado’s Bible study entitled, Unshakable Hope.  In one chapter, Max quotes this verse:

“For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for a lifetime; Weeping may last for the night, But a shout of joy comes in the morning.” - Psalm 30:5

Max encourages the reader to go hunting for joy…to look expectantly for it…even in the midst of difficulty and sorrow.

I had read this a few weeks ago and had been so encouraged by the idea of hunting of joy.  What happened?

I forgot I was on the hunt.  I sat down in the darkness and gave up looking.  All the while, God had hidden “eggs” of joy all around me:

  • Two substitute teachers whose income suddenly evaporated were sustained until they could get government help by the wonderful people at MCC.
  • A gospel conversation concerning God’s approval and acceptance was had because of a single mom’s tough situation and MCC’s willingness to give
  • Several MCC families pulled together to help provide clothing, food, and personal items for a family in crisis through a connection with Barrett House.
  • Anyone connected to an MCC member on Facebook is seeing daily encouragement from scripture through MCC’s Daily Devotionals.

This list could certainly go on.  None of these things would be happening if a global pandemic was not happening.

I won’t ignore the grief, fear, and loss this crisis is creating.  However, there is ample evidence that God has a good plan and good purposes to provide for people, draw them to Himself, and show Himself present.

There is joy to be found.  Let’s go out and hunt it down.



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