How God Is Using Genesis of Hope
Jun 27 7:52 AM

How God Is Using Genesis of Hope

Jun 27 7:52 AM
Jun 27 7:52 AM

Genesis of Hope, one of our partners in ministry in South Asia, was created by the Landge family who has been working among the poorest of the poor since the 1980s. While meeting physical needs has value, they were driven to meet the spiritual needs, which has eternal value. They work in many different areas and engage people from Hindu, Muslim and Buddhist backgrounds. Genesis of Hope has eight children's centers focused on meeting the physical, mental, educational and spiritual needs of children and families living in the slums of a major city in South Asia. They employ engaged, creative, and caring staff to work in their own communities.  

Last October I traveled with a small team from MCC and was able to visit three of these centers and meet several of the teachers and pastors that work tirelessly for the children and their families. Several of these staff members I had met on previous trips five years ago, and some even more than 12 years ago. There is such joy from these men and women. They showed us some of the ways they are creatively teaching math and language lessons to the children and art projects they have done as a community. The centers provide a safe space for the children and the leaders provide care and emotional support. 

The first center we visited was Shahbad Dairy. MCC provides annual support for this center, which allows them to minister to approximately 80 children and their families. We were able to meet about half the students and were able to share a song, story and craft. The teachers at this center are amazing. We heard their testimonies and how Genesis of Hope has made a difference in their lives, even as staff. They were so excited to share how they are teaching the students in very creative ways.  

The second center was in a predominantly Muslim area. I was especially excited to visit this center because my family sponsors Sana, a 12-year-old girl that lives there. At this center we squeezed into a very small space. There were three connected rooms where maybe 60 kids crammed in and sat on the floor while we shared our song, story, and craft. I was also able to spend a little time talking with Sana and her mother and brother. 

The third center we visited is a new ministry that was begun by a pastor who noticed a growing slum underneath the metro lines on the floodplains of a major river near his home and asked if the ministry would be able to support another Genesis of Hope center. This center meets in a very basic open-air structure. This area receives food daily as a part of a feeding program from Amazon. It’s a rural area and gets flooded as the monsoons come every summer. 

Now imagine a super fun Vacation Bible School week at each of these centers. Genesis of Hope hosted six VBS experiences throughout their city this past week. What a sweet thing to pray about as we experience our own VBS. There were over 700 kids in attendance total. Kids had a chance to experience the hope that Jesus brings and have fun with their friends. Unlike many of the students attending MCC’s VBS, these children are from Hindu and Muslim backgrounds. Some are regular attendees of a Genesis of Hope program and for others this will be the first time they have ever had a chance to hear about Jesus. 

There are some logistics that make this VBS quite different from what our students experience in our church. While we may think it is hot here, they have experienced 110+ degrees with little or no access to air conditioning. They also managed to fit nearly 50-60 kids into spaces that we would only feel would comfortably hold 15-20 kids. The snack the kids receive may be the only nutritious food they receive that day. But there were volunteers and staff with smiles on their faces greeting each child, just like what happens right here. There was fun, there were songs, there were snacks, there were games and most of all, the name of Jesus was proclaimed. Those are the very same things that make our VBS special. 

Genesis of Hope will continue to meet the needs of children living in the poorest parts of this huge city. Our support enables them to pay their faithful staff, maintain their buildings, and provide materials needed to provide education and support for these children. Pray for all the staff of Genesis of Hope. The situation in their country is becoming more and more difficult for them to share their faith freely and sometimes even finding a space to meet together as believers is difficult. Pray for favor among their neighbors, and even with the government. When you pray this week, just remember Genesis of Hope. Please pray for each child to understand God’s love for them. Please pray the stories and lessons they learned will take root in their heart and that their families would come to know Jesus as well. 



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