Food for the Hungry - Be a Part of Living Waters
Aug 11 10:11 AM

Food for the Hungry - Be a Part of Living Waters

Aug 11 10:11 AM
Aug 11 10:11 AM

Have you ever been without running water for a time? Those stormy days when the pipes freeze, or the sudden panic when the well pump gives out. At those times we store water in any big container we can find, and eek out the smallest amount at a time to do necessary drinking, cooking, and the barest of

What if that’s how water use always was at your house? Imagine purchasing questionably clean water in 5 gallon buckets at prices you knew were too high, only to do it again later in the week.... every week. You’d skimp on washing, flushing, even drinking to make it to the next time you had to buy more. That’s
exactly what having water is like in communities like Villa Margarita – the community MCC partners with in Sucre, Bolivia, through Food for the Hungry.

But things are changing! In the last two years, Food for the Hungry has been able to partner with several other organizations, our church, and the city of Sucre to connect many families and a school to the city water. While the permits and logistical details are figured out by these organizations and city,
our church has supplied some matched money which helps purchase the 5000 liter holding tanks for 3-5 families to share. The families, the local church, and their neighbors then get involved by digging the trenches for the pipes to be laid into and creating a space for the tanks. Now these families will have a
consistent source of water which allows for benefits in health and hygiene in all sorts of ways!

It’s no surprise to these families that water and life are concepts that go hand in hand. In John 4, Jesus tells the Samaritan woman that drinking from worldly wells continues to make us thirsty, but His Living Water will, “become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” What a picture of God’s provision; life-giving water that wells up and is consistently present!

Want to be even more involved in this life-giving ministry?! The kids at VBS raised over $800 for another tank to provide water for 3-5 more families! AND stay tuned for more information in August about a possible mission trip to Bolivia in 2023! Come be a part of his Living Water!




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