Did You Know? - Josh Mallett Edition
Jul 2 4:30 PM

Did You Know? - Josh Mallett Edition

Jul 2 4:30 PM
Jul 2 4:30 PM

We are continuing our series on getting to know your church leaders a little bit better. Read along to learn more about Josh Mallett, who serves as our Tech Ministry Coordinator. 

Where were you born, and do you still consider that home, or somewhere else? 

I was born and raised in Tijeras, NM. We live in Edgewood now, but I do miss the mountains.

What did you want to be when you grew up – and is that still a dream?

I wanted to join the military for as long as I can remember. God closed that door long ago.

What or who was your earliest spiritual influence?

My parents started, and then Scott Butler was one of my closest friends and spiritual mentor for years before he passed away. My grandparents have always been a huge part of this walk. And most important was my brother, Kris. 

How and when did Christ call you to Himself?

When I was the ripe old age of 8, the Lord impressed on my heart that I needed Him as my savior. I don’t remember all the details but I do remember very clearly that he called me.  

What is a scripture you often read or share with others?

Psalm 34, Galatians 5:22-26, and Genesis 1-3 are the most common go-tos for me.

What is a special answered prayer you’ve received from the Lord?

That Jesus would be my closest friend. 

What is a blessing and what is a challenge in serving as tech ministry coordinator?

The blessing is just having fun with it, among other things. Serving in any capacity is always amazing when seen as a gift. But when you have fun doing it, it’s so much better. The challenge is making time to do the job well.

What are your hobbies and how did you get into them?

I love animals, especially reptiles and amphibians. And the most favorite is spending time with my wife and kiddos. Time is a precious thing and often taken for granted.

What is your favorite family tradition?

The Thanksgiving box. We write down something that we are most thankful for and put it in a box for the next year. We always read the previous year after we write down the current year thankful card. 

How do you enjoy spending a day off?

As of late most of the things I like doing revolve around what Naomi and the kiddos like/want to do, as much as I can. Usually the kids want to play video games and hop in the pool or play on the trampoline. All good times. 

What is the perfect meal?

Anything around the dinner table with family/friends. My personal favorite is with the “friends group”. How I hope those times don’t end anytime soon. But if I have to pick a food, I love Cajun. Anything spicy has always been a good go-to. 

Who or what never fails to make you laugh? 

A night watching the Three Stooges with the kids. Late night conversations with Nay. Games with the friends group. Nights around the campfire with loved ones. Memories of good times. 

We asked Naomi: 

What is your favorite trait of Josh's? 

Probably my favorite trait about him is his ability to look at a problem, any problem in the time I’ve known him, and logically and empathetically find a solution that works for as many people as possible. From issues within the work place, to anything our kids can think up, to “What’s for dinner?”, to encouraging/helping a friend. In short, he’s a logical and kind problem solver and leader. 

What does Josh do that can always make you smile? 

He especially makes me smile, and admire him all over again, when he walks in and just says “I’ve got this.” If it’s within his ability to do something, and it’s good, he does it.  He’s hard working and thoughtful of others needs and/or wants and he is gentle about it. 


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