I need Sunday morning at church; in person or watching at home. Every week it refreshes me and reminds that I can be my best self, but I can’t do it on my own. Through the Holy Spirit, bit by bit, He continues His sanctifying work. It’s not nearly...
When I think back over the past few months and reflect on how God has worked in my life during the pandemic I honestly do not know where to even begin. I can think of all the days that God carried me through loneliness, uncertainty, anxiety and loved me even when I allowed these emotions to bring out the worst in me. I can think of the days I was filled with gratitude, especially when my eyes were opened to the deep pain and suffering of others while I sit safely with my family on our couch. However, if I had to really break it down, I think the work God has been doing in my life...
I was reading in the book of Nehemiah recently and came across a single word in a single verse that has been convicting me for a couple of weeks now. Nehemiah 3 talks about a bunch of individuals working on various parts of the wall during the rebuilding of Jerusalem. It’s some pretty dry reading if I’m honest. The one verse that stood out to me though, was verse 20. “After him Baruch the son of Zabbai zealously repaired another section, from the angle to the doorway of the house of Eliashib the high priest” (NASB). If you read through the whole chapter, you’ll see basically the same sentence with a different worker and a different part of the wall in each verse with one exception. No other verse includes the word...
We have been looking for ways to deepen our worship together as a family, and the coronavirus quarantine has brought unexpected opportunities to do just that; blessings can come when you least expcect them can't they?! For example, over the last couple months or so, we’ve eaten almost every meal together as a family. Which also means we’re praying together a lot more. Early on, when we didn’t know just how bad the virus could get, if we’d get sick or not, if life as we knew it would forever be altered, we resolved to focus on...
Talk about life-changing….
I remember the first time I realized I could store scripture in my mind. I was 10, and a VBS leader had challenged my group to memorize all of James 1 over the course of a week. I spent a ton of time rehearsing what I read…line by line, passage by passage. I have a clear memory of repeating verses from the chapter in a dressing room at the mall while my mom tried on clothes. For the first time in my life, I was being immersed in truth. It absolutely changed my life...