As we focus on prayer and God's word in the new year, we asked several people in our congregation about their prayer life. Read below to find out more from Josh Yu.
When was the youngest that you remember praying for yourself? What was that like?
I remember first praying for myself when I was 5 or 6 years old. I grew up in a Christian home so it seemed like what you do. You ask God for the food to be blessed, thank Him that He is good, etc. But that’s all it was when I was little. The first time I truly understood that prayer was more than just asking God for stuff, I was 16. And the difference was staggering. Actually talking with God, listening to Him and the Holy Spirit during that time of prayer, it was definitely more like a conversation and not just a list of requests.
Who is someone who has positively influenced your prayer life and how?
My wife, Sarah. When the both of us come together to pray, the intense feeling of unity that becomes present is amazing. It’s truly a wonderful time when the both of us enter God's presence to pray, not just over our life and marriage, but for those around us.
What are you currently working on [or how are you growing] in your prayer life?
I am trying to work on praying how it seems David would pray. Going before God, taking the time to actually listen and see what is put on my heart, and to listen to Him. Not just bringing a list of requests.
What motivates you to pray?
My desire to be like Christ is what motivates me to pray. I try to pray daily, even if it’s just a short time of praise.
What time of day is best? Where?
Anytime, and anywhere. Especially on the roads of Albuquerque (haha).
Do you typically give thanks before meals, even when alone?
I try to, but it’s not as consistent when I’m alone as it should be.
Favorite thing you've been taught (or learned) about prayer?
It was from one of Frank's sermons. You don’t have to fix your problems to come before God. If you’re distracted by something on your mind, then pray about it. If you’re angry, just pray. He doesn’t want perfect, He just wants us.
Do you do better with lists? Other ways that you organize? Or just always better free?
I don’t use lists when praying. I try to just sit with Him and pray about what is put on my heart.
One or two favorite time(s) of prayer that you remember?
My favorite prayer memory is probably the first time I simply sat and prayed for what came to my heart. It was awkward because it didn’t feel like how prayer did before, but in the end it was so satisfying. To sit in His presence and just listen. It was the first time I felt like I heard His voice. It’s humbling, but it’s such a sweet thing, to feel like He’s right there with you, and we have all the time in the world to just talk, creation and Creator.