My Prayer Life - Salome Perez
Jan 30 7:07 AM

My Prayer Life - Salome Perez

Jan 30 7:07 AM
Jan 30 7:07 AM

As we focus on prayer and God's word in the new year, we asked several people in our congregation about their prayer life. Read below to find out more from Salome Perez. 

When was the youngest that you remember praying for yourself?  What was that like?

The youngest I remember praying was after I had a tough situation at school with my friends. I was in third grade and I had learned that my two closest friends were talking about me behind my back. Coming from the background of a family that is close and directly communicates, learning that these friends where talking poorly about me broke my heart. I shared what was happening with my dad and he said, “Salome, at the end of the day your mom and I are going to pass away. Your brothers are going to have lives of their own. It’s you and God and that’s it.” As a young girl, when my dad said that in a moment I knew that it was truth. That is when I started going to my room, closing the door, and praying to my Father God in private. 

Who is someone who has positively influenced your prayer life and how?

The first person who comes to mind having positively influenced my prayer life is Jesus Christ. The story of my childhood hardship, prayer, and turning to the Lord in private came from knowing what Jesus taught us in Matthew 6.

What are you currently working on [or how are you growing] in your prayer life?

Recently I heard something about prayer that has been eye opening and helping my prayer life. I love praying to the Lord intentionally in the morning when I wake up and when I go to bed, along with conversations with Him throughout my day. When I heard praying with others is like using a magnifying glass onto what’s being spoken. Although this is something I knew, the visual impacted me to understand in a deeper way because I have experienced that magnifying effect. So recently I’ve been growing in being intentional about praying with my loved ones and friends, with the new understanding of how powerful it is when we come together to pray.

What motivates you to pray? 

My motivation to pray is how much I love and am grateful for the Lord. I have also experienced when I don’t pray, especially for long periods of time, I feel disconnected with the Lord and am easily weighed down with the worries and cares of this life. 

What time of day is best? Where?

For me the best time to pray is right when I wake up and when I go to sleep, because I can keep it consistent, especially due to my travel schedule and my varying days.

Do you typically give thanks before meals, even when alone?

Yes, I typically give thanks for my meals, even when I’m alone. I even love to rejoice in the Lord when I’m eating, food is such a gift!

Favorite thing you've been taught (or learned) about prayer?

My favorite thing I’ve been taught for prayer is to walk. When I pray alone with the Lord, I am typically in a room so I walk in a circle or oval because it helps to express myself and helps in moments of silence when waiting on the Lord.

Do you do better with lists? Other ways that you organize? Or just always better free? 

When I pray, typically I pray for what comes on my heart, but I try to pray after I’ve read scripture because it helps me to know what to pray according to scripture and with the wording of scripture.

One or two favorite time(s) of prayer that you remember? 

Honestly, I feel very grateful the Lord has blessed me with the revelation of who He is and being able to come to Him in prayer. Every day and every moment feels special because I get to live with a prayerful heart at all moments.



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