Building Connections Through the Wood Ministry
Oct 10 7:50 AM

Building Connections Through the Wood Ministry

Oct 10 7:50 AM
Oct 10 7:50 AM

For over 15 years, the East Mountain Wood Ministry has been helping to warm homes, make new connections, and encourage them in their God-given dignity.

The ministry is designed to encourage those who need help to seek relationships with people around them that can help stack wood, deliver wood, or help in whatever capacity they can. The ministry also helps them identify what brought them to this place of need.

Those who volunteer to help are often church members, but we also have people who have received wood in the past help with current needs. And working alongside people from the community has other  advantages! Since we always pray before a work event, it is such a witness to those who may or may not go to church. As we talk to clients about their needs and how we can help, we often ask how we can pray for them. 

I love that this ministry has many people helping. As we work together to get to know one another, we form bonds and can have relationship with people we may not have had an opportunity to get to know otherwise.  Building relationships with both clients and those volunteering are a huge part of the ministry. Our focus is to honor God.

I think the most challenging part of this ministry is finding a time that works for everyone and their schedules. The other challenge I see is being able to connect with clients without them feeling like we are intruding on their space. I love connecting with people and sitting down with them over a cup of coffee, but find people are hesitant to do this in this new era we find ourselves in. I think this is a challenge for people in general. I find people today don’t want connection and are extremely uncomfortable with it. But Christ CALLS us to connection, that is His design for us….so in this culture of cell phones, laptops, computers, and isolation we must work past that to find connection with each other. More importantly, to find connection with those who need Jesus - those who are feeling isolated. This is a hard and uncomfortable balance that we must work through in a loving supportive way.      

If you are interested in helping with the Wood Ministry, we look forward to seeing you. This is a great way for families to come alongside each other to serve not only the body of Christ, but also the community around them. Please be on the lookout in your bulletin for upcoming Wood Ministry opportunities! Coming soon!                



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