I’ve been coming to MCC my whole life and I’ve always grown up surrounded by fellow believers, so it was easy to call myself a Christian. But once I started high school it became harder to surround myself with those like-minded people on a daily basis. I struggled to figure out how to make my faith my own.
This summer God answered my prayers and opened the door for me to serve at Lone Tree Ranch. There were some obstacles but He removed them all and allowed me to have this opportunity and reassured me this was where I was supposed to be. Lone Tree Ranch is a Bible camp outside Capitan, NM. They allow for different churches from all over New Mexico and Texas to bring their youth programs and other organizations to the camp and do high-adventure activities while keeping God at the center of everything they do.
This experience was truly unlike anything I've ever done. Being surrounded by fellow believers who are around my age or in the same stage of life as me, pursuing the Lord in all they do, was a new experience for me. We lived and did life together, while encouraging each other to deepen our relationships with God. Whether it was leading staff devotionals in the mornings, having conversations about our faith while cleaning, or worshiping with each other every night, you could see and feel God’s presence working in all of us.
Not only could I see Him working in our lives, but I also got to see so many kids get saved at camp. At our share night every week, we heard many different testimonies coming from kids of all ages and walks of life. One that stuck out to me the most was of a young man who had been coming to Lone Tree for a few years but he was not a believer. Last summer when he came, he said that he would believe when this specific tree on the camp property was not standing. This year when he came back that tree had fallen over and no one knew why. That week at share night he accepted God as his Lord and Savior. There were so many more stories like this that I got to learn about while talking to the campers and building relationships with them.
Although I thoroughly enjoyed all of the different weeks, I think the one that personally impacted me the most was our Joni and Friends family retreat. Joni and Friends is a Christian organization that helps support families who have family members with special needs. When they come to Lone Tree, they get to watch their kids have experiences and do things that they would usually not get to do, like riding a horse or going on a zipline. Watching how much these families sacrifice while still having so much joy and love for the Lord is something I’ll never forget. Even though some of the kids have already gone through things that many of us will never have to experience, the joy they had could not be mistaken for anything but the love and joy of Jesus.
This summer has grown me in ways that I never would have expected. God knew exactly what I needed when He opened this door for me. The Lord was able to show himself to me in countless ways. He also blessed me with amazing relationships and changed my perspective on so many things, while also challenging me to make my faith my own.