Our own Lisa Lemelin shares her heart about Care Net and the Walk for Life:
While the term pro-life was birthed from the abortion wars of the 1970s, the pro-life movement has grown into a thriving community of those with the mindset that all human life is valuable. Whether you are a preborn baby, a newborn, an elderly person, or someone with disabilities, your life matters. If you are human, you deserve fundamental rights. Being pro-life is about the value and equality of all human beings.
The National Care Net ministry is a Pro Abundant Life ministry providing compassion, hope, and help to women and men at risk of abortion. Care Net’s goal is not just to save babies from abortion, but to ensure that they and their parents have the abundant life that can only be found in Christ. Care Net exists as a gospel-centered ministry that builds strong families, promotes marriage and fatherhood, and connects people to their local churches for ongoing care and discipleship.
Today, approximately 2,500 unborn children are expected to lose their lives. Care Net believes that “life decisions need life support,” and the church is God’s instrument to provide life support to women, men, and families to empower them to choose life for their unborn children and abundant life for their families. James 1:27 compels us to care for orphans (who are children without fathers) and widows (who are women without husbands). Accordingly, God created his church to, among other things, fight to protect the unborn, end abortion, and strengthen families. However, according to data from the Guttmacher Institute, 54% of women who have abortions identify themselves as Christian. Care Net’s research found that 4 in 10 women were regularly attending church at the time of their abortion. These high numbers provide an opportunity for the church to become more actively involved in saving the unborn from abortion and ministering to women and men with abortions in their past.
Mountain Christian Church supports our local Care Net organization, Care Net Pregnancy Centers of Albuquerque. One of the largest fundraising events held annually by Care Net Albuquerque is the Walk for Life. My family and I have had the opportunity to support Care Net Albuquerque by fundraising and walking in the Walk for Life for several years now. It has been a great opportunity to not only support a cause that aligns with one of our core beliefs, but it is fulfilling to be surrounded by other pro-life families.
This year’s 41st Annual Walk for Life event is coming up in Albuquerque on Saturday, August 10th, at 8 am, at Hoffmantown Church, 8888 Harper Road, NE. We hope you will consider joining us and others from Mountain Christian Church by walking in and supporting this important fundraiser.