Did You Know? - Micah Barker Edition
Jul 11 7:18 AM

Did You Know? - Micah Barker Edition

Jul 11 7:18 AM
Jul 11 7:18 AM

We are continuing our series on getting to know your church leaders a little bit better. Read along to learn more about Micah Barker, who serves on our Deacon Council. 

Where were you born, and do you still consider that home, or somewhere else?

I was born in Albuquerque, NM. I moved to the East Mountains when I was 13 years old.

What did you want to be when you grew up – and is that still a dream?

I wanted to be a soldier in the Army and then a law enforcement officer. I have done both and am still trying to grow up.

What or who was your earliest spiritual influence?

Mrs. Wever. She was my Sunday School teacher at Mesa Baptist Church.

How and when did Christ call you to Himself?

In 1985 I accepted Christ after a Sunday School lesson and after further discussion about that lesson with my parents.

What is a scripture you often read or share with others?

The words of Paul the Apostle: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

What is a special answered prayer you’ve received from the Lord?

The Lord has blessed me with a beautiful wife and amazing children.

What is a blessing and what is a challenge in serving as a deacon?

Blessing: Getting to know people at our church better and work with them. Challenge: Learning to delegate tasks and ask for help.

What are your hobbies and how did you get into them?

Hunting, hiking, mountain biking and camping. I have always loved outdoor activities. If some of those activities happen to keep me in decent physical condition and occasionally put meat in the freezer, then that is a bonus.

What is your favorite family tradition?

Christmas Eve dinner in Old Town of Albuquerque.

How do you enjoy spending a day off?

Early morning hike or bike followed by working on a project at home, then finishing the day on the back porch with a cold drink till the sun goes down.

What is the perfect meal?

Elk or deer steak from the grill, ranch beans, salad, biscuits and a cold beer.

Who or what never fails to make you laugh?

My dog Daisy cracks me up almost daily. Even when she is bad I can't help but laugh at her once I'm done being irritated.

We asked Nicole: 

What is your favorite trait of Micah's?

Micah is good at maintaining relationships. He patiently listens to our teen daughters, puts a lot of thought into replying to texts and diligently returns phone calls. He is also really good at learning how to do things that need to be done – from repairing vehicles to replacing the bridge at the cabin.

What does Micah do that can always make you smile? 

Watching Micah play with our dog, Daisy, always makes me laugh.



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