Youth Camp Recap - Followers of Christ
Jun 27 6:54 AM

Youth Camp Recap - Followers of Christ

Jun 27 6:54 AM
Jun 27 6:54 AM

On June 17, 11 MCC high-schoolers and three youth group leaders caravaned up to Glorieta, NM to attend a youth summer camp with 5 other churches from the greater ABQ area. Over the ensuing week, the teaching (1-2 messages per day), worship (2 times per day), and discussions were focused on one word: Follower. We deep-dove into what it means to be a follower of Christ, from the commission, the purpose, the way, the hardship, and the reward. 

Discussion topics weaved in and out of important thoughts, with some of my favorite conversations centered on:

  • ‘How do we reject the fading beauty of worldly things for the eternal beauty of godly things?’
  • ‘Why is the struggle of being a 21st-century believer worth it?’
  • ‘How do you represent Christ to your peers when they don’t want to hear about Him?’
  • ‘What’s the difference between believing something is true, and living like it’s true?’
  • ‘How do I prioritize Christ amongst all the other big decisions in my life?’

The Lord was at work through these conversations, basketball games, gag-ball pit contests, an adrenaline-raising slew of camp activities, the praises lifted in accord with some 200 other camp attendees, the quiet times we regularly had with the Lord, and the daily time spent together, as brothers and sisters in Christ.

Our MCC students were example-setters all week, even garnering recognition from other churches for the way they comported themselves. One of the other leaders mentioned in the morning leader-huddle that he was so grateful for the Mountain Christian Church students, and how easily they engaged other students, as his group had been blessed by ours. Another leader told me how impressed he was by our students’ constant choice to serve and engage with some of his younger students. How beautiful it is to see God use young people to model Christlike living!

There’s a beauty in attending a camp where exhaustion sets in, and distractions slowly disappear as the focus moves onto Christ. I was immensely encouraged by the willingness and humility of our young adults to enter conversations regarding things eternal, and grateful for the Lord’s faithfulness in meeting us daily. 

I continually pray that each student will eagerly build on their professed desire to follow the King of Kings, and if any do not yet profess it in their heart, that a seed would have been planted at camp, which will continually grow into a full-throttle approach to knowing Christ our Savior.



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