We are continuing our series on getting to know your church leaders a little bit better. Read along to learn more about Tom Mead, who serves on our Deacon Council.
Where were you born, and do you still consider that home, or somewhere else?
I was born in Glen Cove (Long Island), NY, but home is Sandia Park.
What did you want to be when you grew up – and is that still a dream?
I wanted to be a pilot. I still dream about it. Many are nightmares.
What or who was your earliest spiritual influence?
I attended Sunday school growing up but my earliest spiritual influence was the drug culture of the mid-60s. Posters saying ‘Acid is God’ generated a real ‘No He is not’ reaction and pity for those who were caught up in and lost in that culture. The real influence was a Christian Navigator, Ed Polley, conducting an adult Bible study at Bitburg Air Base, Germany in 1979.
How and when did Christ call you to Himself?
At Bitburg, in the late ‘70s, I knew that I was not part of the prevailing culture and chose to maintain the moral standards of conduct that I had been brought up with. This was my first situation of having to make a clear choice based on secular values and Christian values, that is choosing to obey the Lord.
What is a scripture you often read or share with others?
I love reading how John the Baptist jumped for joy in Elizabeth, when Mary, pregnant with Jesus, entered the house of Zachariah and greeted Elizabeth.
What is a special answered prayer you’ve received from the Lord?
There have been many. In 2014, my son was hiking in the Sandias, had an accident, and had to be rescued. I prayed during the whole rescue sequence and the Lord got him to UNM hospital where he was taken care of.
What is a blessing and what is a challenge in serving as a deacon?
The blessing is to help mitigate what could be distractions from worship, Sunday School or any of the other many activities that go on in our church facilities. The challenge is finding time to do all that needs to be done.
What are your hobbies and how did you get into them?
New Mexico and Colorado have some great fishing spots. I got into this to enjoy time with my brother, who is an avid fisherman, when he would visit.
What is your favorite family tradition?
We meet our kids for dinner somewhere in Albuquerque about once per month.
How do you enjoy spending a day off?
I gave up ballet when I outgrew my slippers so now I do yardwork.
What is the perfect meal?
Waffles with molasses, and bacon.
Who or what never fails to make you laugh?
My son in ‘one ups-manship’ pun making contests.
We asked Karin:
What is your favorite trait of Tom's?
Honor. Tom is an honorable man in everything he does! From this flows faithfulness, loyalty and integrity. I have known this for as long as I have known Tom.
What does Tom do that can always make you smile?
Every year when it is time to plant his garden, I smile at how much joy this gives him. He gets those little plants ready to go in the ground and tends to them faithfully. Tom gets up to water before going to work and waters first thing when he gets home. He produces some great veggies and loves to share with the church members every summer.