An Immersion Trip to South Africa
Jul 18 7:25 AM

An Immersion Trip to South Africa

Jul 18 7:25 AM
Jul 18 7:25 AM

In January, I embarked on a month-long trip to South Africa with the Fellows program by Impact 360 Institution. Fellows is a nine-month experience in which I learned about worldview, defending my faith, and what it means to be a Christian in modern-day culture, among other topics.

One aspect of Fellows is going international for one month in Brazil or South Africa. The purpose and title of this trip was not a typical mission trip; it was referred to as an international immersion trip. A journey in which the purpose is to see God's creation and people elsewhere. Through this, I got to work with a nonprofit called Living Hope.

My team worked with Living Hope the whole time we were in the country and got to experience and see how the kingdom of God works in different cultures. Living Hope nonprofit has many developed programs in which my team got to work together and dive into the work Living Hope does every week.

One of my favorite programs we worked with was the rehab center. The rehab center is where addicts, murderers, and alcoholics come and hear the Word of God and get to hear from their brothers and sisters who are going through similar trials. The rehab center was a very impactful experience. I sat next to a murderer and talked to a recovering alcoholic, and shook hands with a drug dealer. I heard their stories and how God brought them out of darkness. I learned that what they had done was not their identity, for that was now in Christ.

The other parts of Living Hope are farming, elderly care, nursing in close communities, and working with kids. Every part of Living Hope was so unique to see. I got to experience so much in the short time I was there. The Lord grew me significantly, and I loved serving the people there. I learned a lot in Cape Town and would love to return at some point in my life. I learned about abiding in and with Christ through the people in South Africa, and on my team, I learned how to rest and lean on Him.

I loved my time there and learned so much. I am so lucky to have been able to go, and I cannot wait for God's next thing for me.



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