Did You Know? - Nicole Barker Edition
Jun 5 8:26 AM

Did You Know? - Nicole Barker Edition

Jun 5 8:26 AM
Jun 5 8:26 AM

We are continuing our series on getting to know your church leaders a little bit better. Read along to learn more about Nicole Barker, who serves on our Deacon Council. 

Where were you born, and do you still consider that home, or somewhere else?

I was born in Washington DC, but we moved when I was 7 days old, and I haven’t been back, yet! I’ve lived in the East Mountains since I was about 7 years old, and definitely consider it home! 

What did you want to be when you grew up – and is that still a dream?

I am grateful that I was able to live my dream of being a stay-at-home mom. I think it is the most important job I could’ve had.  

What or who was your earliest spiritual influence?

Marv & Barb Procter were my youth leaders for many years. I still remember some specific lessons that Marv taught, and I am thankful for the time they invested in me, and in the lives of MANY others!

How and when did Christ call you to Himself?

I was baptized at MCC when I was 13, and rededicated myself at age 18 at a Christian Conference in Albuquerque. The speaker said something like, "If you have any doubts about your salvation, you can know here and now that you have accepted Christ as your Savior.”  

What is a scripture you often read or share with others?

I listen to the ‘Proverbs of the day’ each morning. I love the nuggets of truth sprinkled throughout Proverbs! 

What is a special answered prayer you’ve received from the Lord?

I can’t think of a ‘large’ prayer; but God often answers my ‘little’ prayers, such as ‘please take this thought away if it’s not something I should be concerned about’.

What is a blessing and what is a challenge in serving as a deacon?

I enjoy the admin side of serving as a deacon. The challenges are that often the various projects that come to us are outside of my skill set. And it’s difficult to juggle time management and various responsibilities. 

What are your hobbies and how did you get into them?

I guess my favorite hobby is ‘puttering’ around the house doing whatever odd job needs to be done (or more truthfully what I FEEL like doing). In the summer I enjoy sitting outside, especially with our cat on my lap; or watering the trees and flowers. I usually listen to audiobooks while I’m puttering.

What is your favorite family tradition?

Christmas morning is my favorite time with our kids. We all have our cups of coffee and gather in the living room in our jammies and take turns opening gifts. We have been fortunate to have everyone home every Christmas, and I know that is not something to be taken for granted because they will soon begin their own families and traditions. 

How do you enjoy spending a day off?

See ‘puttering’ around the house above. We are fortunate to have a cabin near Questa, NM that Micah’s grandparents built in the early 1980’s. That is where we spend our vacations or long weekends.  We are also hoping to take our new-to-us camper on trips.

What is the perfect meal?

My favorite meal would include mashed potatoes and biscuits. 

Who or what never fails to make you laugh? 

Watching Micah play with our dog Daisy provides our daily dose of laughter.

We asked Micah:

What is your favorite trait of Nicole's?

I love her gentle and kind spirit. She truly has a servant's heart for all of her friends and family.

What does Nicole do that can always make you smile? 

When Nicole starts to uncontrollably laugh, I can't help but start laughing also. It is contagious. She is the most consistent, positive bright spot in my life. 



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