Our Youth Ministry Coordinator is stepping down as he pursues new things that God has in store for him. Canyon - we are grateful for the years that you have invested into the youth of Mountain Christian and are praying for your future endeavors!
Here are a few messages from the Youth-
"Thank you for your teachings and encouragment in the Word. I will be forever thankful."
"Thanks for being a great youth leader - it means a lot!"
"Thank you for being a solid youth minister. Good luck in your journey and trust in God. I will be praying for you."
"Thank you so much for leading the youth group and teaching all of us the Word of God. I pray that God blesses you in your next step in life."
"Thank you so much for everything you have done in my life and all the amazing hunting trips we have been on. I hope you know how much this time with you means to everyone."
"I've only been here a short while, but you've been such an a amazing youth leader. You've left such a good impression and I hope everything goes well for you."
"Thanks for the inspiring lessons."
"The Lord used you in my life to draw me closer to Him through your teaching and example. Stand firm in your faith."
"We really appreciate the time and effort you put into each of us."
"I will miss your personality and jokes!"
"I truly admire your relationship with Christ and I hope to be bold like you, for Jesus."
You can click here to read a blog post from Canyon on his heart for youth ministry. It's not good-bye, it's see you later!