Vacation Bible School will be here before you know it! And we can't do it without you! There are so many ways you can be involved and bless this ministry. If you have an hour or a day here and there or even just want to make a donation, the lending hand is our lifeblood.
VBS Job Descriptions
Bible Storyteller – A master teacher and communicator; tell the Bible story during Opening segment in a creative, attention-gripping way.
Coffee Corner Helper – Visit with parents over coffee and treats after they drop their children off at VBS; can volunteer one or two days or every day.
Closing Ceremony Reception – Host or help with the Closing Reception – set up, make drinks, clean up, etc.
Cookie Baker – Bake a batch or two of cookies for the Closing Reception.
Crafts Helper – Assist children with pre-planned craft projects.
Daily Clean up - Tidy up after VBS each day to prepare for the next day! Empty trash, wipe bathrooms, restock paper products, etc.
Dance Team – learn the choreography and dance during Opening and Closing each day of VBS, and at Closing ‘Ceremony’
Games – Help to prepare for and lead groups of elementary age kids in fun physical activities and discussions. You can expect lots of hard work, fun, and high-fives.
Guest Teacher – Prepare for and teach a pre-planned lesson one day during VBS; a great way for men to participate in VBS
Handy-Man / Construction – Be available for any handy man projects that may come up (building of props, painting, climbing ladders, etc)
Nurse - Provide basic first aid for scraped knees, etc that happen during VBS
Photographer / Slideshow – Take pictures throughout the week; Create a slideshow to show at the Closing “Ceremony”.
Prayer Team – Pray for VBS specific requests leading up to and during VBS.
Preschool / Nursery - Love on and care for the little ones of our Volunteers
Registration – Welcome families Monday morning; sign kids in, hand out name tags, etc
Snacks – Prepare and serve snacks to the kids and volunteers each day
Supply List Coordinator - Gather lists from VBS leaders (snacks, crafts, etc) to share with the MCC Communication Coordinator to share with the congregation. Keep track of supplies as they are received and distribute to Department Coordinators.
Team Leader – Lead a set group of children throughout the week, building relationships with them (this position is best for those who can help every day) We need leaders and helpers.
Tech Team – Works together to provide audio, video, and computer graphics support
Work Day Director– Plan for and collect needed materials for our Work Day Wednesdays.
Work Day Helper – Wednesdays, 9:00 – noon; working on whatever needs to be done; come when you can for however long you can!
Wherever – I’m willing to help wherever you need me!