Devotion to Declaration - MCC Youth Summer Camp 2023
Apr 13 11:51 AM

Devotion to Declaration - MCC Youth Summer Camp 2023

Apr 13 11:51 AM
Apr 13 11:51 AM

From start to finish, the book of Acts makes one thing really clear: personal devotion to Jesus leads to global declaration of Jesus. Following Jesus and faithfully telling others about Jesus are linked. If we try to separate being a disciple from making disciples—pursuing one and not the other—we lose both. But we need both. The world needs both. So, let us spend a week meditating on the book of Acts and how personal devotion for “one thing” leads to the global declaration of one Savior.

We are going to hear five talks from Jay Leibold, the UNM Christian Challenge Director, which will traverse the Acts of the Apostles and our camp theme, Devotion to Declaration.

We will spend time in small groups where you can dive deeper into application and prayer for each other. Like last year, we will also set aside some times for silence and solitude where you can quietly consider God’s Word and pour out your heart to God in prayer.

And if you have been to OneThing before, you know we are going to run around a little too!

Set in the lower Rocky Mountains, Glorieta has a lake, mud pit, hiking trails, a gym, and more. We will also have group games, so bring your A-game! With five days of camp, you will have plenty of time to explore, rest after a hard school year, hang out with friends and make new friends.

We hope you come be a part of MCC's Summer Youth retreat! To register please click here!



onething274,, April 13, 2023



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