The Summer & Scripture
May 25 1:37 PM

The Summer & Scripture

May 25 1:37 PM
May 25 1:37 PM

Our God gives the good gift of summer -- so full of color and light, music and memories, streets of dust, and lizards squirming out of the grasp of the sweaty hand of a small person. We search for clouds that might bring moisture and collect it in special buckets to quench our thirsty soil. 

Summer automatically brings change, doesn’t it? Children are out of school and long-planned vacations are suddenly an “x” on the next week of the calendar.  Even the cadence of the church rushes toward VBS, drops off, before slowly sliding toward school. Sometimes, things can slip out of focus.

Summer is still a time to savor Scripture. It is so good to sit at our Savior’s nail-scarred feet and hear His heart for us through His Word as He reveals more … more holiness, more love, more faithfulness, more forgiveness, more passion for His people.

And our Bible is so near! On our phones, on our computers, on our bookshelves, oh please let it be in our hearts and read from our hands as well.

Do you have a bible reading plan for this summer?  I would like to invite you to join us in the Gospel of John.  Why the Gospel of John? Because this is the one who describes himself as “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” John, who writes poetic word pictures, patiently piecing the Old Testament with the Incarnation in the new. John, who labored for his beloved Master in this endeavor so that his readers would know, would learn, and would believe that the Son of God did indeed come to this planet! John got to walk with Him! John heard from His very lips, he was there the dreadful night of the crucifixion, and was amazed at the resurrection. He would never be the same for all eternity, and he invites his readers to examine the evidence that they may join him.

There are two different studies for women this summer.

  • Wednesday evenings, starting June 6th at 5:30 p.m. we will begin a 12-week study by Justin Buzzard. This is part of the Knowing the Bible Series edited by J. I. Packer. The cost is $10, but scholarships are available.
  • If you are looking for a morning study, we will begin discussion on the Gospel of John on Monday, June 11th at 10 a.m. No cost, just bring your bible and read with us.  

Let’s see what the Lord will teach us this summer! We encourage you, as you savor the sunny days of summer with it's changing schedule and more relaxed pace, to stay in the Word and let it fall afresh on you!

But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”  John 4:23-24

Contact Elizabeth Allan or visit MCC's Women's Ministry page to learn more about either of these studies!



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