
His Hand on Us for Good

Audio File: 2-01HisHandonUsforGood-Ezra.mp3 (51.08MB)

"Awake to the Spirit" - Zec 4

Audio File: 4-01_AwaketotheSpirit_-Zec4.mp3 (30.70MB)

"The Work That Is To Come" - Zec 2:6-3:10

Audio File: 1-01_TheWorkThatIsToCome_-Ze.mp3 (42.97MB)

"Entrusted to Care For the Weak" - Ps 82

Audio File: 01_EntrustedtoCareFortheWeak_.mp3 (26.86MB)

"A Real Return to God" - Zec 1:1-2:5

Audio File: 02_ARealReturntoGod_-Zec1_1-.mp3 (39.42MB)

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Mike Brazie: Signs of the Times